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Asset Tiger (Seattle, United States)
Classter (Laguna Beach, United States)
IntellaQuest (Newark, United States)
Persist Ventures
Circuit Tree (Kansas City, United States)
Tipalti (Charlotte, United States)
QNEXT AI (Naperville, United States)
Logic Hub Services
LiveCare Support (Los Angeles, United States)
Lemon Recruiting (Zurich, Switzerland)
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Gorza Enterprises (Sydney, Australia)
Betterzila (Changumangu Solutions LLP)
Automizy (New York, United States)
Swissmote, Inc. (San Francisco, United States)
Swissmote, Inc. (San Francisco, United States)
Swissmote, Inc. (San Francisco, United States)
MikMak (Washington, United States)
CadSoft (Hillsborough, United States)
Gloss Genius (Sacramento, United States)
GeoEdge (Phoenix, United States)
MetaMug (Indianapolis, United States)
Corenio (Palo Alto, United States)
Backblaze (Kansas City, United States)
Tanmay Sharma
Droplet (Denver, United States)
CaspioInc (San Francisco, United States)
LionDesk (Newark, United States)
MotionSoft (San Jose, United States)
Kredivo (Jakarta, Indonesia)
SurePayroll (Chicago, United States)
Exela Technologies
Nexgen Technologies
DeepThought Edutech Ventures Private Limited
Flexisoft Solutions
Softwave Technologies
DeepThought Edutech Ventures Private Limited
DeepThought Edutech Ventures Private Limited
Buddha Education Association Incorporation
Buddha Education Association Incorporation