Annapurna Finance Private Limited
Bhubaneswar, India
About Annapurna Finance Private Limited Finance Pvt. Ltd (AFPL) was established with the purpose of serving the economically weaker sections of the society, by bringing them to mainstream, providing need-based financial services at their doorstep. The focus has been clear, to reach the areas where formal financial institutions find it difficult to settle in. Annapurna Finance's objectives are not only limited to outreach, but it also believes in providing financial and technical education and strengthening entrepreneurial skills for the effective use of credit. Annapurna Finance over the years, has continued to innovate its products and delivery mechanisms to make the whole product life cycle of micro-credit as relevant as possible for its clients. It has helped build a bridge between economic opportunity and outcome. The aim is to offer multiple need-based products which can serve specifically to all the customer's life cycle needs. Annapurna Finance is now one of the top ten NBFC-MFIs in the country.