Gurgaon, India
About Bijak
http://Bijak.inBijak is India's No.1 agritrading app and a pioneer in the field of agritech. Founded in April 2019, Bijak has been scaling up exponentially by creating user-friendly digital solutions for Indian agri traders. Today, our app is used in 1000 regions in 27 Indian states and UTs and has over 50,000 registered users. The platform oversees trade in 100+ commodities every day and now sees an annualized GMV of Rs 4000 crores. Bijak users are majorly composed of B2B traders who control 80% of this $300 Bn agri value chain. They have limited access to technology, information, and credit. Bijak helps these users-buyers, suppliers, MSMEs, and corporate buyers discover verified counterparties and trade with minimal friction by accessing Bijak's layer of trust and reliability.