Breathe ESG
Bangalore, India
About Breathe ESG ESG is a one-stop shop for organizational sustainability management. We provide B2B SaaS solutions for end-to-end sustainability management to corporates, non-profits, and NGOs. Our services include aggregation, tracking, analytics, and reporting (CSR and ESG) features. This allows users to scientifically track social impact or CSR projects against key performance indicators (KPIs) for their projects as well as manage their CSR financials. Our ESG services are designed to allow firms with zero experience in sustainability management and reporting to get started on their journey. We provide ESG reporting services that permit users to select their preferred framework for ESG reporting (GRI, BRSR, SASB, TCFD, etc.) and conduct a gap assessment of their disclosures as well as share the relevant data points for the framework of their choosing. We aim to create an environment for sustainability lifecycle partners and clients to collaborate on social impact initiatives.