CogentHub Private Limited
Gurugram Sub-District, India
About CogentHub Private Limited
http://cogenthub.comCogentHub is a global provider focused on the delivery of business solutions integrated with the latest technologies. We bring together data and technology to enable our clients to attain their strategic business goals and gain a competitive advantage. With our considerable experience across several industries and technology expertise, we deliver outsourcing and management consulting services. CogentHub is led by a management team with years of experience in delivering robust operational solutions across a variety of domains. Our board-level advisory team keeps us on track and helps in enhancing our services so as to provide better value to customers. Success is easier when you have the right partners. CogentHub is proud to have technology partnerships with industry leaders, Hewlett Packard, Aspect, Emerson, Plantronics, and CISCO. While our delivery center is located in Kolkata, we have global partnerships in the UK and the Philippines.