Emerging Brilliance
Delhi, India
About Emerging Brilliance
http://www.emergingbrilliance.inEmerging Brilliance - inspiring & empowering people to their brilliance, it is a business and personal development training company with a single focus - we help people tap into their own unique brilliance. It is the no.1 company optimizing the MET training method. MET stands for 'mind empowering technology'. Our training programs are challenging, interactive, and enjoyable. MET trains people in an experiential environment 'learning by doing'. We use games, simulations, NLP, hypnosis, discussions, individual assignments, group projects, exercises of all varieties, and EFT so that the learning is fun, and you can enjoy its benefits for long after you leave the training room. We also invite experts from our worldwide network to provide inputs from their own areas of specialty to ensure leading-edge content.