Essel Propack Limited
Mumbai, India
About Essel Propack Limited Propack is the largest specialty packaging global company, manufacturing laminated plastic tubes catering to the FMCG and pharma space. Employing over 2852 people representing 25 different nationalities, Essel Propack functions through 20 states of the art facilities and in eleven countries, selling circa 7 billion tubes and continuing to grow every year. Essel Propack is the world's largest manufacturer of laminated plastic tubes with units operating across countries such as the USA, Mexico, Colombia, Poland, Germany, the UK, Egypt, Russia, China, the Philippines, and India. These facilities cater to diverse categories that include brands in beauty and cosmetics, pharma and health, food, oral, and home, offering customized solutions through continuously pioneering first-in-class innovations in materials, technology, and processes.