Exeter Premedia Services Private Limited
Chennai, India
About Exeter Premedia Services Private Limited
https://www.kriyadocs.com/Exeter Premedia Services Private Limited provides end-to-end digital publishing services to academic and scholarly publishers. Our core philosophy is to enable clients to 'convert production into a profit center'. We offer services through our flagship platform, Kriyadocs. Kriyadocs is a cloud-based publishing platform that delivers 'happy authors'. Exeter Premedia Services Private Limited is trusted by clients worldwide (US, UK, Europe, APAC). It was established in November 2004 as a BPO services provider for publishers and is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 27001:2013 certified. At Exeter Premedia Services Private Limited, we are fanatical about putting our customers first in everything we do. We believe the authors and editors who create the content must be excited about using our solutions to bring their life's work to the world. We do this by empowering each of our employees to be decision-makers and work proactively to make the best decisions for our customers.