Global Vikas Trust
Mumbai, India
About Global Vikas Trust
http://globalparli.orgGlobal Vikas Trust is into nation-building projects, like the renowned Global Parli movement founded by Mayank Gandhi which is a revolutionary movement, through a rural economic transformation with a specific focus on the environment, economy, and 360-degree development of our farmers and their family. Currently, Global Parli works in more than 3,856 villages, covering an area of 31,930 sq. km. of 4 districts in Marathwada, Maharashtra, and 3 districts in Madhya Pradesh. We are based out of Mumbai with the headquarters in Khar West. We have a dynamic team of 20 employees working in Mumbai and many more at the groundwork sites in Parli and Raisen. We have a friendly and collaborative environment celebrating festivals and events together while also having an in-person knowledge house with our founder and other mentors.