Gurushala (Pratham Education Foundation)
Delhi, India
About Gurushala (Pratham Education Foundation) the last 20 years, Pratham has grown to be India's largest NGO, working to provide quality education to underprivileged youth and children in over 21 states and union territories across the country with a range of interventions. Learning with Vodafone is a digital education initiative being implemented by Pratham Education Foundation and funded by Vodafone India Foundation and Indus Towers Limited. The program is an innovative teacher-centric technological intervention that is currently working with more than 4,200 schools across 19 states and reaching out to more than 26,000+ teachers. In 2019, Learning with Vodafone launched Gurushala, which has been envisaged as a one-stop platform for teachers for resources, learning, and networking. Gurushala offers teachers access to over 8,000+ content pieces and over 51 online courses on aspects like pedagogy and classroom management.