Hinduja Leyland Finance
Chennai, India
About Hinduja Leyland Finance
https://www.hindujaleylandfinance.com/Hinduja Leyland Finance Ltd. (HLF) was incorporated on November 12, 2008. Pursuant to a certificate issued by the Reserve Bank of India ("RBI") on March 22, 2010, our company was permitted to commence operations as a non-banking financial company ("NBFC") under Section 45 IA of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. Our company was originally classified as a systemically important non-deposit-accepting, non-banking financial company. Our company was subsequently granted the status of an NBFC-Asset Finance Company by the RBI pursuant to a certificate of registration received on May 12, 2014. We are one of India's leading vehicle finance NBFCs (Source: ICRA Retail NBFC and HFC Credit Report, 2016), with a focus on urban and semi-urban markets.