Hinduja Tech Limited
Chennai, India
About Hinduja Tech Limited
http://www.hindujatech.com/Hinduja Tech is a premier engineering and digital technologies services provider focused on the automotive manufacturing industry using the global delivery model. Hinduja Tech is part of an over 100+ years old global conglomerate. Our 40+ client list from Fortune 100 includes global OEMs & tier-i and tier-ii suppliers in Asia, Europe, the UK, and the USA. We have pressed the barriers of cost, quality, and efficiency of a traditional global delivery model to not only reduce the cost of engineering but also cut the cost of product and even become an extended partner of choice for smart IP development & innovation for revenue growth in the disruptive new eco-mobility industry. Hinduja Tech offers digitalization and digital solutions through automotive product development and manufacturing processes to analyze data for uncovering useful patterns and insights for better decision making such as controlling warranty costs or improving product reliability.