IMS Proschool
Mumbai, India
About IMS Proschool
http://www.proschoolonline.comProschool is an initiative of IMS. At IMS, our goal for the past 35 years has been simple: to build a long-term, successful career. Proschool is an extension of the same mission. At Proschool, we provide practical skills and knowledge at an affordable cost in the shortest possible time. We endeavor to get students into jobs that give them useful experience for a successful and long-term career. We hope to serve the industry by providing them with training resources that are productive and efficient. We've trained over 16,000 working professionals from well-known organizations, including SBI, Bank of India, UTI, Kotak Group, ICICI Group, Sundaram BNP Paribas, Citibank, etc. on financial planning, wealth management, management accounting, financial research, etc.