Bangalore, India
http://www.globalfightforrecovery.comI am Dr. Lavanya Seshasayee, a mental health specialist with a PhD in women's mental health and India's first recovery specialist. I help both women and men overcome mental health issues like chronic stress, schizophrenia, and depression through recovery-focused solutions, challenging the overmedicalized mental health industry. My work has been featured on BBC World Radio, and my nationally award-winning autobiography shares my journey from being a mental health patient to an expert in recovery solutions. I also lead the "Global Fight for Recovery (GFR)," dedicated to transforming lives with my unique expertise and lived experience. Dr. Lavanya Seshasayee, author of “Against All Odds - Cracking the Schizophrenia Code”, is a global mental health advocate dedicated to spreading recovery messages and creating new leadership in the mental health space.