Mahindra Insurance Brokers
Mumbai, India
About Mahindra Insurance Brokers Insurance Brokers Ltd. (MIBL) set off on the journey of changing lives and the face of the insurance sector in India in the year 2004. MIBL is a 100% subsidiary of Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Limited (Mahindra Finance). MIBL was granted a direct broker's license by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) in May 2004 for undertaking direct insurance broking in Life and Non-Life businesses. Since then, MIBL has impaneled itself with various public and private insurance companies to offer customized solutions to customers. In September 2011, it was granted a composite broker's license by the IRDA, thus foraying into the reinsurance broking business. As a total insurance risk solutions provider, MIBL plays an integral role in the risk management portfolio of customers.