Namdhari Group
Bidadi, India
About Namdhari Group
http://namdhariseeds.comNamdhari Group consists of 4 companies Namdhari Seeds, Namdhari Fresh, Simpli Namdharis, and Dairy Tails. Nmadhari Namdhari Seeds Private Limited (NSPL) has built a successful business over the past 3 decades. The company is now poised for the next phase of growth. Our Company is a breeder, producer, distributor for vegetable seeds; we develop high-quality vegetable varieties with superior yield, disease resistance and adaptability to various agro-climatic conditions. We are today an Indian Multinational having expanded into South-East Asian countries and the Middle East The company has now also forayed into field crops and developed cotton and rice hybrids. NSPL has also diversified into production, export and domestic retailing of fresh vegetables through its own subsidiaries Namdhari Farm Fresh and Namdhari Agro Fresh.