North Strom Academy salaries and perks

Job salaries at North Strom Academy

Performance Marketing - Facebook & Google Ads

₹ 2,40,000 - 2,64,000 /year


₹ 2,40,000 - 3,00,000 /year

Internship stipends at North Strom Academy

Web Development

₹ 5,000 /month

Video Editing/Making

₹ 5,000 /month

WordPress Development

₹ 5,000 /month

Voice Over

₹ 5,000 /month


₹ 10,000 /month

Graphic Design

₹ 10,000 /month

Graphics Designing & Video Editing

₹ 3,000 /month

Digital Marketing

₹ 5,000 /month

Perks and benefits at North Strom Academy

Recommendation letter
Flexible work hours
Informal dress code