Bangalore, India
About ParkingZone solves the problem of parking by using machine learning, AI and QR code technology. Guests scan their car at the gate and receive instant access to park the car at their destination. ParkingZone is a new concept in residency parking that features a mobile application and technology platform. The system is designed to provide a seamless guest experience when visiting or parking at a residency. With an innovative QR scanner and Al, guests can check-in online and virtually receive their parking confirmation. The system also includes a machine learning tool that monitors all activity in real-time. Renters simply drive up to the parking booth, scan their guest's ticket on the mobile app, and get immediate access to the rental space once they have been approved by the system. We also provide analytics that help show complete list of entry and exit of all parties such as residents, Visitors, workers, and vendors associated with the residency.