Proceed Fit
Mumbai, India
About Proceed Fit
http://proceed.fitProceed Fit is a technology company that has a healthcare marketplace of the same name. It's our pleasure to introduce ourselves as the frontrunners in democratizing healthcare for the benefit of humankind. Our effort is a way towards a healthy existence and better medical opportunities for the masses all around the globe. We as a team aim to promote a healthy and happy society and improve the quality of life free from disease and suffering with a little effort in a daily routine. We work with a mission of making every individual lead a stress-free life with the help of Ayurveda, yoga, and an active lifestyle. Our step further will ensure in case you require the best medical services, you will get all the right information in one place, on Proceed.Fit. We are obliged to make you a part of our journey and influence people around you to join our mission.