Sharma Automotive Pvt Ltd
Vadodara, India
About Sharma Automotive Pvt Ltd
The Bajaj Group is amongst the top 10 business houses in India. The group's flagship company, Bajaj Auto, is ranked as the leading three and two-wheeler manufacturer and the Bajaj brand is well-known across more than 70 countries. Sharma Automotive Pvt. Ltd. was established in 1968 as "Sharma Auto Electric Works" in Vadodara as an automobile workshop, establishing name as automobile dealers of Atul Auto, Yo bykes, TVS Motors soon and subsequently taking up Bajaj Auto Dealership in 2014. We are known for having biggest workshop and showroom in same space for any Three Wheeler Dealership all over India. Sharma Automotive Dealership of TVS was known for highest autorickshaw sales in India for 2 consecutive years. Bajaj has awarded Sharma Automotive for its highest customer satisfaction rates.