Sunren Technical Solutions Private Limited
Mumbai, India
About Sunren Technical Solutions Private Limited Technical SolutionsPrivate Limited is a Mumbai-based company formed in 1998 Our Services include testing and evaluation of IT and Telecom products for conformance to Indian standards, environmental testing, wireless product testing, Safety Testing, Etc. Product testing as required by Indian regulatory requirements is done in the fully equipped lab, Sunren Telecom Laboratory. Sunren Telecom Laboratory is India's first Lab accredited by NABL as per DoT requirements for Telecom testing. Our test facilities are accredited for: 1. Telecom Interface testing as per DoT requirements for TEC approvals 2. Safety testing as per IEC 60950 / IS 13252 for BIS registration 3. RF testing as per WPC requirements for Equipment Type approval 4. Climatic testing as per QM333/ IEC 60068 5. Energy Efficiency Testing as per BE (Bureau of Energy Efficiency) requirements