Treebo Hotels
Bangalore, India
About Treebo Hotels Hotels provides a transparent online hotel booking experience to all its customers. It is India's number 1 branded budget hotel with a presence in over 80+ cities (including the metro cities of Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, and Kolkata) and more than 1000 hotels. At Treebo Hotels, you get quality stays, affordable rates, amazing offers & flexibilities such as book-now-pay-later, instant hotel booking confirmations, a 100% money-back guarantee, free cancellations, and a 24x7 available guest delight team to answer booking or travel-related queries. All these services provide our guests with the freedom to book a hotel first and plan their travel next. With no compromise on quality, every Treebo booking comes with three promises - clean & fresh rooms, assured essentials, and 30 30-minute service guarantee.