TRENT Limited
Mumbai, India
About TRENT Limited Company was originally incorporated as Lakme Limited (-Lakme-) on December 5, 1952. Lakme was in the business of manufacturing, selling, and exporting cosmetics, toiletries, and perfumery products. In 1998, Lakme decided to divest its cosmetics business and decided to pursue the field of apparel retailing. It was decided that Lakme would establish a strong presence in the apparel and soft goods retailing market by opening a chain of departmental stores across the country. Towards this end, in March 1998, Lakme acquired Littlewoods International (India) Private Limited (-LIIPL-) from Littlewoods International Limited, U.K. In parallel, with effect from January 1, 1998, Lakme Exports Limited, a subsidiary of Lakme, was amalgamated with LIIPL and the merged entity was named as Trent Limited. Subsequently, with effect from July 1, 1998, Trent Limited was amalgamated with Lakme, and the name of Lakme Limited was changed to Trent Limited.