About the initiative
In India, about 65-70% women who take a career break fail to return to work, and a large number of women who are well educated & have potential to become a valuable part of the workforce do not even get a chance to begin their career. "Internships for Women" brings amazing women employment opportunities, in the form of internship jobs for women, to help them restart their career. With flexible working options like work from home options & part-time options, women can now manage both - their career and household responsibilities. Further, if women want to go back to the workplace, they can opt for office-based internships and make a gradual switch to professional life.

Are you looking to (re)start your career through internships? Then click here and create your Internshala account today!

If you are looking to (re)start your career, just apply to the below-mentioned internships. For any queries, please call us on +91-844 844 4851 or mail us at helpdesk@internshala.com.

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Latest Summer Internships

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  • Customer Service
  • Hyderabad
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Data Enumerator Customer Feedback Survey (On Field)

Sahadya Consultants

Start Date
Starts immediatelyImmediately
2 Months
₹ 10,000 /month + Incentives
Few hours ago

Customer Service/Customer Support


Hyderabad (Hybrid)
Start Date
Starts immediatelyImmediately
2 Months
₹ 7,000 /month
1 week ago

Customer Service/Customer Support


Start Date
Starts immediatelyImmediately
2 Months
₹ 15,000-22,000 /month
1 week ago
Part time
No more in-office internships found.
You may apply to work from home internships here as several companies are hiring only work from home interns due to Covid-19.
You may apply to work from home internships here as several companies are hiring only work from home interns due to Covid-19.
It is easy and simple to find customer service internships in Hyderabad on Internshala. Simply add ‘Hyderabad’ as your preferred location and ‘customer service’ as your preferred category or use the location and category filter on the ‘internships search page’ to find internships in your desired location and profile.
There are 100+ internship categories available in Hyderabad. Here are the top 5 categories for internships in Hyderabad-
Customer Service are available across various locations in India. Here are the top 5 locations for customer service internships:-
You can apply for a customer service internship in Hyderabad on Internshala? using the following steps-
  • Click on 'View Details' to get details about the company and the profile.
  • Go through the details thoroughly and apply for internships where your profile matches the requirements of the company.
  • Click on 'Apply Now' and follow the steps to submit your application.
If you are not registered on Internshala, register yourself today to find your dream internship.