Saday founded in March 2020, is a Pan India-based non-governmental organization that started as an initiative during the first phase of the lockdown and is now a fully grown organization with 200+ members. It believes in spreading awareness regarding the stigmatized issues present in society and letting people grow for the betterment. Saday has conducted various food drives, hygiene drives, sanitation drives, blood donation camps, awareness on domestic violence, menstrual hygiene, and many other activities to fight against the Covid19 virus. Saday's team of psychologists provides mental health counseling sessions, therapy, or motivational sessions to people who need them the most. Our flagship program, #Project_Dhairya is a mental health support group and counseling initiative that has become a great success in curing many people, where around 150+ individuals across India have benefited and provided 250+ individual sessions through professional clinical or counseling psychologists.
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