1. Work on articles, reports, and social media captions
2. Brainstorm new and creative growth strategies
3. Learn leadership and develop communication skills
4. Work and thrive in a fast-paced environment and master diverse skills
5. Work on research and analysis
6. Identify trends and insights and optimize spend and performance based on the insights
7. Work on honing strengths and work with global clients to grow with the company
Girl Power Talk strives to inspire and empower youth with persistence, empathy, and confidence. We specialize in business consulting, online reputation management, public relations, digital marketing, content creation, and social impact. We offer young women, men, and nonbinary individuals merit-based opportunities to learn, feel confident, and live a life full of purpose. We develop students into tomorrow's global leaders through our innovative and progressive culture built by youth for youth.
We work in collaboration with our sister company, Blue Ocean Global Technology, a technology company headquartered in New York, USA, to provide extraordinary opportunities for our team to unlock their full potential. Our mission is to engage the most talented young leaders. We are constantly expanding our team of A-players. We seek young, passionate, energetic, and determined young adults to join our Global Girl Power Talk family.