Vehicle insurance, also known as motor insurance or auto insurance, is a type of insurance that protects you and your vehicle against financial losses in case of an accident, theft, or natural disaster. It covers the costs of any damage or injuries caused to you or other people and their property.
Key responsibilities:
1. Thoroughly researching and analyzing insurance policies.
2. Arranging insurance policies in an understandable fashion.
3. Occasionally working with Underwriters to adapt policies.
4. Communicating with Insurance Adjusters about the life cycle of each claim.
1. Candidates with minimum 1 years of experience.
2. Those who are from or open to relocate to Delhi and neighboring cities
Annual CTC: ₹ 2,00,000 - 3,00,000 /year
Vehicle emergencies can happen unexpectedly. Crossroads Helpline understands this urgency and offers fast car services for emergencies by phone.