Video Content Creator Fresher Job (Part time/Remote)

Video Content Creator

Work from home

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Starts Immediately
₹ 3,50,000 - 4,00,000 ₹ 3,50,000 - 4,00,000 /year
0-2 years
0-2 years experience
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8 Dec' 24
Posted 3 weeks ago
Fresher Job
Part time

About the job

Key responsibilities:

1. Creating high-quality video content that explains mathematical concepts in an easy-to-understand manner
2. Collaborating with our team to develop creative and innovative ways to present educational material required to solve the asked question
3. Ensuring all content is accurate, well-researched, and aligns with our brand's values and objectives
4. Engaging with our audience through interactive and informative videos to promote learning and understanding
5. Managing and maintaining a consistent upload schedule to keep our viewers engaged and coming back for more
6. Monitoring and analyzing video performance metrics to continuously improve content and drive engagement
7. Staying up-to-date on trends and best practices in educational content creation to remain competitive in the industry

Skill(s) required

Gujarati Proficiency (Spoken) Gujarati Proficiency (Written) Mathematics
Earn certifications in these skills

Other requirements

Desktop/laptop and pentab availability is essentially required


Annual CTC: ₹ 3,50,000 - 4,00,000 /year

Number of openings


About Filo EdTech Private Limited

Filo is the fastest-growing on-demand tutoring platform in India. We are on a mission to deliver quality education to everyone with a deep understanding that the answer to quality is not the same for everyone. While the current educational industry, offline or online, is built around aggregating students with different requirements in a single offering of a class or a video, we are unbundling education services into a segment-focused instant offering.

Filo has reached 41M+ minutes of learning sessions, 1.5M+ students registered and 40K+ tutors currently teaching with Filo. We have raised $23 million in a Series A round led by Anthos. It is by far the largest Series A round in the Indian ed-tech space. Our homegrown systems connect students with tutors instantly in real time over a live video session, 24X7, clocking more than 7 million minutes of classes every month.
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Hiring since January 2023
7 opportunities posted
3 candidates hired
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