Architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) are among the least digitized industries in the world. And that's not okay. Novatr exists to fill this innovation gap by honing human potential and building tech-first skills. The next generation of AEC isn't comprised of run-of-the-mill professionals who create cookie-cutter buildings. No, we are innovators with bigger dreams. A house on the moon in the Metaverse; structures that defy the very concept of gravity; algorithms that give rise to entire cities we believe that all of these are achievable realities. On this mission, we are backed by the world's top accelerator program Y-Combinator, and some of the most respected investors around the globe like Powerhouse Ventures, Soma Capital, and angel investors including the co-founder of SlideShare, co-founder of U2opiaMobile, director of Microsoft India to name a few.
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