Profcyma is a leading skill-building and education consulting firm dedicated to providing excellence in the field of distance education as well as regular education. Our primary focus is to meet the dynamic industry demands of highly educated, well-trained, and skilled professionals, at all times. We have a team of young enthusiasts backing it with the expertise of intellectuals and veterans to bridge the demand for well-versed individuals in different industries. We provide the best guidance and special counseling sessions to our students in order to boost future career growth. Within 7 years we have enrolled more than 3,00,000 working professionals for the online MBA program. We have received prestigious national-level awards for our exceptional contribution to the education industry such as the 'Best Education Consultancy Award' by the Finance Minister Smt. Nirmala Sitaraman in 2022 and 'Best Tech for Education' by Higher & Technical Education Minister Chandrakant Dada Patil 2022.
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