Shree Vishnupriya Finance And Leasing Limited Jobs

Latest Jobs Vacancies & Openings at Shree Vishnupriya Finance And Leasing Limited

SHREE VISHNUPRIYA FINANCE & LEASING LIMITED (CIN: U65900DL1996PLC080535) is a public company incorporated on 22 Dec 1996. It is classified as a non-government company and is registered with the Registrar of Companies, Delhi. Its authorized share capital is ₹10,000,000.00, and its paid-up capital is ₹9,313,130.00. SHREE VISHNUPRIYA FINANCE & LEASING LIMITED's Annual General Meeting (AGM) was last held on 30 Dec 2023, and as per records from the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), its balance sheet was last filed on 31 Mar 2023. The company's NIC code is 659, which is part of its CIN. As per the NIC code, it is involved in other financial intermediation. This category includes financial intermediation activities other than those conducted by monetary institutions.

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Shree Vishnupriya Finance And Leasing Limited


0 year(s)
₹ 2,00,000 - 2,00,001 ₹ 2,00,000 - 2,00,001 /year
1 day ago
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