Your Monsoon Internship Forecast
50,000+ WFH Internships
Work from the comfort of your home with highest paying internships
Stipend Bonanza
Gain while its rain with guaranteed stipends up to ₹1.8 lacs
Early Access Contest
Get 1-day early access to the internships & win exciting rewards up to ₹10,000
Dates to remember
25th June - 28th June Participate in the early access contest 29th June - 2nd July Apply to the internships
Know more about the campaign
The ‘Money Monsoon Month’ campaign features 50,000+ easy to do work from home, highest paying internships where you can earn up to ₹1.8 lacs. All internships comes with a guaranteed stipend. You can apply for the internships from 29th June onwards with your exclusive early access pass.
The campaign features easy to do, work from home internships and internships with job offers wherein the selected interns will get a chance to earn up to ₹1.8 lacs and all internships comes with a guaranteed stipend.
No, it’s absolutely free :)
Anyone who is interested in doing internships can apply. You do not even require prior experience. So apply now!
Yes, all internships come with a guaranteed stipend and you can stand a chance to earn stipends as high as ₹1.8 lacs.
Please ensure that your friends after registering also verify their email. Upon verification only, your referral count will increase. Also, fake/duplicate entries will not be considered while giving out the rewards.

The internships are available in different durations ranging from 1 to 6 months. 

Find the right duration for yourself & start applying!

Based on your application and resume submitted, you would be shortlisted by the employer. After shortlisting, you would then be contacted by the employer for a further interview round.

Please write to us at and we would be happy to help.