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Why International Startups Choose Internshala To Hire Freelance Designers?

Internshala is the ONLY job platform to offer 100% Guaranteed Hiring.
Abundance of Skilled Candidates
Hire freelance graphic designers from Internshala to get access to 1M+ skilled candidates across 250+ profiles.
Reduce Recruitment Costs by 70%
Hire your ideal remote team from 250+ profiles & save up to 70% on recruitment costs.
World-Class Product & Service
Accelerate your hiring process with our cutting-edge ATS & dedicated relationship manager.
International Startups
Remote Candidates hired
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on Recruitment Costs
Hire Freelance Graphic Designers with Prior Work Experience
Visual Designer
Hired 3 times
Visual Designer
Hired 6 times
Visual Designer
Hired 4 times
Explore from 1M+ profiles with prior proof of work

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Hired Talent within 48 hours!
Our job posting on Internshala received 300+ applications in 24 hours, leading to hiring 2 top candidates in 48 hours. Great team support, excited for future collaboration.
David George
David George
Brookfield Aviation
United Kingdom
Highly recommended for top remote talent
Based in Sweden, we partnered with Internshala. Their expertise and efficient communication brought exceptional candidates, making hiring a pleasure. Highly recommend their top-notch talent recruitment.
Muhamet Rehmani
Muhamet Rehmani
Cling Systems
Exceptional candidate sourcing
We collaborated with Internshala for AI startup interns, their talent sourcing expertise was commendable, highly recommended for fresh tech talent.
Ashok Suthar
Ashok Suthar
United Kingdom
Expanding the team through Internshala
Internshala excels in candidate selection and offers unwavering support. Planning to expand the sales team through our partnership.
Sanjay Khosla
Sanjay Khosla
Sales Angel Inc
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Frequently asked questions

The fee of a freelance graphic designer depends on experience and expertise. In general, hourly rates for graphic designers range from ₹2000 to ₹12000.

Hiring a freelance graphic designer from Internshala is simple. Follow these easy steps to hire the best talent:

  1. Register with Internshala for Free
  2. List your hiring requirements
  3. Hire the best freelance graphic designer
Your first post on Internshala is free. For more details, you can send an email to or Schedule a Call CTA with our expert to learn more about job/internship listings and available plan options.
The current volume of the graphic design industry is a staggering $49.7 billion, indicating a growing demand for graphic designers. The use of graphic design extends to web design, visual communication, illustration, advertising, publications, print design, UI design, and animation. Graphic design plays a vital role in any business, company, or organization, as they hire designers to create visually appealing designs to reach their target audience. These designers create logos, advertisements, and other visual elements that help in marketing products and services.

Internshala offers a range of services, such as a free job posting option, the support of a dedicated relationship manager, the ability to post premium jobs, and more. With all these benefits and more, it is one of the best recruiting platforms. Here's why you should find your dream team through Internshala:

  • You can register for free on Internshala.
  • Over 2,500 international startups trust Internshala to find the best talent.
  • You can save up to 70% on recruitment costs.
  • You will gain access to over 1 million skilled candidates across 250+ fields, complete with proof of work.
  • Internshala provides a world-class ATS with filters to narrow your search for the best candidates.
  • A dedicated relationship manager will assist you in streamlining your hiring process.

Yes, we offer end-to-end recruitment services. We have a 3-step easy process:

  1. Requirement profiling
  2. Sourcing the right talent for you
  3. Vetting and interviewing candidates

We then align the top candidates for the final interview with you. If you are interested in this service, you can connect with our hiring expert here.

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