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Hire AngularJS Developers in India with Internshala

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Yes, you can post 1 free internship or job listing in a month. If you want to expedite your hiring process, you can opt for the premium plan and post unlimited job/internship listings.

If your company is based outside India, that is, if you are an international employer, you can sign up for the 30-day free trial. This will allow you to share 1 free internship/job posting (in the lifetime). Further, you will get access to all the premium features including, a world-class ATS, a dedicated relationship manager, and more. You can also purchase the premium plan to share unlimited jobs/internships to hire quality candidates quickly and in a cost-efficient manner.
You can hire an AngularJS developer by following these simple steps on Internshala:

  1. Sign up on the ‘Hire Talent’ portal and create an account for free.
  2. List your requirements to hire AngularJS developers in India.
  3. Review the applications and shortlist candidates using the advanced ATS filters.
  4. Connect with the candidates via instant chat to provide more information.
  5. Use an in-built interview scheduler to schedule an interview according to a preferred time zone.
  6. Hire the best candidate for your team.
The salary of an AngularJS developer ranges from ₹5-7 LPA for a fresher to ₹24.2 LPA for an experienced professional with relevant skills. On average the annual salary of an AngularJS developer is around ₹18 LPA.
Yes, you can hire a developer for hourly or project-based tasks by posting a part-time job listing on Internshala. Sign up on the ‘Hire Talent’ portal to access a free account today!
Some skills required for AngularJS developers are an understanding of HTML, CSS, basic OOPs concepts, JavaScript, testing and debugging, responsive design, and Git. Internshala has a pool of more than 1.7 million students on the platform. Filter candidates according to your requirements, and hire an AngularJS developer.
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Hire Dedicated AngularJS Developers

Hire an AngularJS Developer

AngularJS is among the top five popular JavaScript frameworks that developers use to develop web applications. Despite the introduction of new frameworks, it continues to dominate the market because of its seamless user experience, higher performance, and easy development and testing process. 

If you wish to leverage these advantages and commission the development of an efficient application, hire an AngularJS developer for your team. Read ahead for more details on necessary technical skills for an AngularJS developer, ways to assess these skills, tips to manage a development team, and steps when hiring angularJS developers.

5 Must-Have Technical Skills for AngularJS Developer 

AngularJS is an open-source JavaScript framework used to develop single-page web applications. A developer must have proficiency in all the necessary technical skills mentioned below to develop various applications:

  1. Understanding of Angular CLI: The AngularJS developer you hire should know how to work with the Angular Command Line Interface (CLI). This interface allows them to automate several tasks while writing codes and creating applications.
  2. Knowledge of the Angular Framework: The Angular framework forms the fundamental foundation of the applications constructed using AngularJS. Therefore, the developers should be well-versed in the framework.
  3. Good Understanding of Node Package Manager (NPM): Developers should know how to use NPM because it is important to manage dependencies and packages in Angular applications.
  4. Proficiency in Web Development Technologies: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are fundamental for web development and are required to design and develop Angular web applications. 
  5. Expertise in Testing and Debugging: These are the essential skills that ensure the stability and dependability of applications by finding and mitigating errors in the applications.

How to Assess the Skills of Potential AngularJS Developers? 

You should hire AngularJS app developers with proper training, knowledge, and skills for your development project to produce high-quality results. But how will you ensure you have the best experts on your development team? By evaluating the potential candidates thoroughly! Here are some ways to assess a candidate’s suitability for the role:

  • Assess Technical Knowledge in Interviews: Interview candidates to evaluate their knowledge of the basics of AngularJS and web development skills.
  • Evaluate Their Portfolio: Always ask for a portfolio to check the kind of projects the developer has worked on before. These projects may be independent or for previous employers. Many developers maintain a GitHub account to display their projects. So go through the developer's account to analyze their growth as an AngularJS developer.
  • Test Assignment: Give a short assignment on the spot or online to evaluate the developer’s technical skills. It is a good way to assess their capabilities as AngularJS developers and check if they can work within a given timeline.

Tips to Efficiently Manage Your Development Team

When you hire an AngularJS developer in India or any other country outside of your own, you get a diverse talent pool in your team. It is advantageous because you get access to a variety of specialized skills, more productivity, broadened prospects for innovation, and more. 
However, handling a diverse team can be challenging because of differences in time zones, work methodologies, etc. To efficiently manage your development team, follow these tips:

  • Communicate Expectations Early: Ensure each one of your team members knows the objective and goals of the project. It helps them work according to your expectations and achieve the desired results.
  • Reorganization: If a problem arises during the development process, you can reorganize your team in a way so that each member works on a specific aspect of the problem. This will help you resolve the problem quickly and increase the efficiency of the team.
  • Schedule One-On-One Meetings: Schedule one-on-one meetings with members to allow them to share their issues and suggestions because not everyone may feel comfortable sharing their concerns in group meetings.
  • Timezone Management: If you are hiring internationally, you will have employees working in different time zones. It is advantageous because your team can be productive around the clock, but management of such a team becomes difficult due to numerous different working hours.
    Schedule meetings in common working hours to get simultaneous updates from the team for effective collaboration and timely completion of projects.

Steps to Hire an AngularJS Developer

Internshala is one of the best hiring platforms in India. It provides quick and easy employer registration to find and hire the best talent from a large pool of skilled candidates. Take a look at the steps mentioned below to hire your next employee:

Step 1: Fill in your details to register on the ‘Hire Talent’ portal.
Step 2: Mention your requirements for the AngularJS developer.
Step 3: Use Internshala's ATS with advanced filters to shortlist candidates for further evaluation.
Step 4: Connect with shortlisted candidates instantly with Internshala’s in-built chatbox and schedule an interview.
Step 5: Offer joining letters to selected candidates.

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