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Why Hire Full Stack Developers from Internshala?

Hire dedicated Full Stack developers in India & save up to 70% on recruitment costs.

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World-class ATS with filters to shortlist candidates faster.
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Built-in interview scheduler and assignment tool for hasslefree hiring
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Hire Dedicated Full Stack Developers in India!

Frequently asked questions

Yes, there is a free job posting options on Internshala. You can post 1 free internship or job opening in a month. You can also register for the premium plan and post unlimited job/internship openings to speed up your hiring process.  

If your company is based overseas, that is if you are an international employer, you can register for the 30-day free trial. This will let you post 1 free internship/job opening (in the lifetime). It will also give you access to all the premium features like a world-class ATS, a dedicated relationship manager, and more. You can sign up for the premium plan and share unlimited jobs/internships to hire candidates.

You can find and hire a Full-stack developer through Internshala with these simple steps:
  • Sign up on the ‘Hire Talent’ portal for free.
  • List your requirements for a Fullstack developer.
  • Hire the most suitable developer for your team.
The average salary of a Full-stack developer is ₹27.50 LPA. Their average salary ranges from ₹5 LPA to ₹50 LPA.

You should hire Full-stack developers because they are experts in both front-end and back-end development. Other benefits include:

  • They are cost-effective because of their ability to handle multiple tasks. They eliminate the need for a specialist.
  • They are efficient in various aspects of web development, such as command over programming languages, frameworks, databases, and tools.

You can shortlist candidates with the following steps:

  • Use the advanced ATS with filters, and shortlist candidates according to your requirements.
  • Review these applications and connect with the shortlisted candidates using the instant chat feature.
  • Schedule an interview with the built-in interview scheduler.
  • Hire the candidate that is the best fit for your team.
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Hire Dedicated Full-Stack Developers

Hire Full-Stack Developer: A Guide to Recruiting Best Tech Talent

Do you know that the demand for full-stack developers is increasing at a steady annual rate of 35%? This is because of the advancement in the digital space, where owning and maintaining a website or web application is crucial for businesses to engage with their audience. So, if you need a professional to create a complete web application or website for your business, hire a full-stack developer for your tech team. 

To help you commence the recruitment process, we have created this guide to offer details on the key responsibilities of a full-stack developer, ways to assess necessary technical skills, common challenges with solutions, and steps to hire full-stack developers. 

Key Responsibilities of a Full-Stack Developer 

A full-stack developer acts as a bridge between the front-end and back-end layers of an application. They handle development-related tasks like designing, programming, managing databases, and debugging web applications and websites. The key responsibilities that a full-stack developer undertakes are: 

  • Front-end Development: This entails building a website or web application interface that facilitates smooth user interaction. A full-stack developer can work with a front-end developer to create interactive user interfaces with the help of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript frameworks and libraries. 
  • Back-end Development: Working on the functionality and server side of the application along with back-end developers is one of the crucial responsibilities of a full-stack developer. Hire an employee who can handle the back-end logic, architecture, servers, and other components. 
  • Creating APIs: Full-stack developers are also responsible for creating the application programming interfaces (APIs) according to the application architecture. The APIs are essential in establishing a connection with the server. 
  • Development of Databases: Full-stack developers create and maintain databases because it is crucial for your application's performance, security, and scalability. Without databases, the applications will not provide content, store information, or carry out transactions.
  • Maintaining Cross-Platform Compatibility: These developers ensure the application or website runs smoothly on all platforms, like Microsoft Windows, Linux, and MacOS.

3 Ways to Assess the Technical Skills of Full-Stack Developers

You should hire a dedicated full-stack developer who is highly skilled and possesses complete knowledge of development concepts, technologies, and processes. While reviewing applications is a good way of assessing the candidates, you can evaluate their technical skills with more thorough assessment methods. 

Here are three ways to assess the technical skills of full-stack developers: 

  1. Examine Their Portfolio: Ask for professional portfolios from candidates after you have reviewed the application to check the types of projects they have handled before. These projects can be for previous employers or can also be their independent work. 
    • Many developers maintain a GitHub account to display their work. Check these accounts to review their growth as full-stack developers. 
  2. Test Assignment: Prepare an on-the-spot or online test assignment to examine the technical skills of the developers. It is a great way to evaluate their understanding of the domain as well as time management skills because they would have to complete the given assignment within a stipulated time. 
  3. Assess Technical Knowledge: Ask questions around core technical concepts to assess the conceptual, critical, and logical understanding of the candidate. You can prepare a few questions that help you in evaluating a candidate before the interview: 
    • Understanding of front-end programming languages and frameworks like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. 
    • Proficiency in back-end programming languages like Java, Python, C# and frameworks like Django, Flask, Spring, NodeJS, etc. 
    • Knowledge of version control systems to keep track of project history. 
    • Well-versed with database management systems like MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL server, etc. 

Common Challenges While Hiring Full-Stack Developers [With Solutions]             

You may have to navigate certain challenges when hiring full-stack developers. Let us discuss some of these issues and how you can overcome them to find a qualified candidate.        

  • Ensuring Suitability: Finding a candidate whose values, work style, and personality align with your organizational culture can be challenging at times. It can lead to reduced employee engagement, lower job satisfaction, and low-quality results. 
    • Solution: While interviewing, evaluate a candidate’s soft skills to ensure they possess problem-solving and communication skills and are good at teamwork. It helps you understand the candidate’s personality and if it aligns with your organizational culture.  
  • Lack of Expertise: Though full-stack developers have a broad knowledge base, they lack in-depth knowledge of specific areas of development. It can become a challenge when dealing with projects that require specialized knowledge. 
    • Solution: To overcome this issue, hire full-stack developers as well as developers who possess proficiency in specific areas of development. With this team structure, you will have experts to oversee the entire development lifecycle as well as professionals who focus on particular stages of development. It will allow you to leverage the expertise of both types of developers for your projects. 
  • Hiring Costs: Many tech professionals are expensive to hire because of the extensive training and education they attain over a long period. 
    • Solution: You can negotiate the salary with the candidate to come to terms with an acceptable number for both parties. Alternatively, you can hire remote or freelance full-stack developers instead of full-time developers. 

How to Hire Full-Stack Developers through Internshala?

Internshala is one of the best hiring platforms in India that assists employers in finding the right candidate for their organization. You can create an employer account for free and get access to qualified candidates’ profiles to begin your recruitment process. We offer 100% guaranteed hiring as well as all the latest features to recruit the best candidates, like an advanced application tracking system, an instant chatbox, and more. 

You can hire a dedicated full-stack developer in India with the following steps:

  • Begin by registering on the ‘Hire Talent’ portal and list your requirements for the full-stack developer.
  • Shortlist potential developers with Internshala's world-class ATS with advanced filters.
  • Connect with these candidates instantly with Internshala’s in-built chatbox and schedule an interview. 
  • Offer contracts to selected candidates and onboard them.


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